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![]() The following reads more like a headline than an Old Testament passage:
Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Let's begin with some background. The book of Genesis details God's covenants with His chosen people:
Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee [Abram] a great nation, [Israel] and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.
![]() Genesis 15:18 In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.....
Genesis 17:21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.
Genesis 21:8 And the child grew, and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast the [same] day that Isaac was weaned. 9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. 10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, [even] with Isaac.
Abraham was grieved about kicking out his wife Sarah's bondwoman Hagar, and her son Ishmael, but God Himself reassured Abraham ....
Genesis 21:12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Thus, even if Mohammed's Yemeni Quraish tribe had been descended from Ishmael, which neither history nor geography seem to support since they were more likely Hamitic via Ethiopia, any Ishmaelites that had not been absorbed would have no scriptural claim to this covenant land anyway.
![]() During the first century Jesus prophesied...
Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh
Jerusalem was surrounded by armies in 70 AD, and on many occasions after including 132, 639, 1099, 1187, 1948 and 1967. While in 70 AD the city was trashed, and a million Jews were killed, the Romans came back to kill another 750,000 Jews a little over 60 years later in the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132 to 136.
Certainly the physical and spiritual desolation of Jerusalem, following 1100 years of primarily Islamic control from 639, became virtually total desolation by the early 19th century.
In "A History of the Jews" - Paul Johnson writes - page 321: "Between 1827 and 1839, largely through British efforts, the population of Jerusalem rose from 550 to 5,500 and in all Palestine it topped 10,000 - the real beginning of the Jewish return to the Promised Land. In 1838 Palmerston appointed the first western vice-consul in Jerusalem, W.T. Young, and told him 'to afford protection to the Jews generally'."
So by the early 19th century nobody except a handful of Jews had any interest whatsoever in that desperately desolate land of Palestine.
By 1867, even 40 years after the restoration of the Jews began, Mark Twain described the land as: " ...[a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds-a silent mournful expanse....A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action....We never saw a human being on the whole route....There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."
What was prophesied about 600 years before the Christian era regarding this desolation?
Ezekiel 36:35 And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden;
![]() and the waste and desolate and ruined cities [are become] fenced,
![]() [and] are inhabited.
![]() That tiny strip of land emerging from total desolation, to becoming the geopolitical focus of the entire world, fulfilling boatloads of old covenant prophecy in the process.
Indeed the restoration of the Jews to their land in 1948 and to their city in 1967 was prophesied by Daniel 2500 years in advance, and can be pinned mathematically right to those years, through two parallel calculations. See the "Proof of God" video for more.
Over the last half-century Jews turned Gaza into a vibrant productive community. In terms of agricultural miracles, in addition to reforestation, and being a world leader in innovation in irrigation, the Gush Katif greenhouses alone produced up to 70% of Israel's produce, or about a hundred million dollars worth every year.
![]() ![]() The pretense of the Gaza give-away was to bring peace between the so-called "Palestinians" and Israelis however Israel's enemies have never held up their end of any such agreement. All this deal accomplished was to provide a launch pad closer to Jerusalem from which thousands of rockets have been launched randomly into Jerusalem, as capable of hitting schools and hospitals, as anything else.
International financiers promised the Gaza growers financial compensation for abandoning their greenhouses, that were to be taken over by the "Palestinians", with help from the international community.
No surprise that after the Jews were forced off their land Palestinians ransacked former Gush Katif greenhouses stealing computers, and even piping, causing irreparable damage in the process. The international financiers later defaulted on their promised payments to the Jewish growers. Yet millions in the world don't seem to be able to empathize, and understand what it would be like to be forced to give away your business and home that you had built from nothing, and were compelled to leave the community you had helped to pioneer.
Of course in their celebratory burning of synagogues and destruction of the greenhouses Israel's enemies rendered themselves even more destitute, destroying a 100 million dollars a year in food production, resulting in international welfare organizations throwing food off the backs of trucks to feed a people whose primary product and export is hate.
Jesus also prophesied of the Jews ....
Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
This was fulfilled in 1967 when the Jews regained possession of Jerusalem as a result of the "7 day war". Seems so peculiar that some folks believe that the "times of the Gentiles" in Jerusalem were fulfilled in 70 AD. But then perhaps not as peculiar as church folks believing that THE false prophet of the book of Revelation was a figure of the 1st century, while others believe he is yet to be revealed in the future, even as 1.5 billion people - that's 1/4 of mankind - are in the grip of the false prophet Mohammed's stand-alone 7th century religion.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Sura 19:88 They say: "(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!" 89 Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
1 John 2:22 .... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father...
Surah 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus ..... but they killed him not, nor crucified him ..... for of a surety they killed him not:-
Mohammed's antichrist religion revealed as the exact opposite of the Gospel, while Mohammed himself is revealed through their own books as being the exact opposite of the sinless Messiah, the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God.
One doesn't have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer to understand that:
"If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel" ~ Benjamin Netanyahu
While Muslim leaders vow to "drive the Jews into the sea" and "kill all the Jews" Israelis are the only people in the middle east that share our Western values. Indeed Muslims enjoy more freedom in Israel's democracy today than they do in any Muslim state.
AP - December 06, 2006 MOGADISHU, Somalia - "Residents of a southern Somalia town who do not pray five times a day will be beheaded, an Islamic courts official said Wednesday, adding the edict will be implemented in three days."
The Israeli Jews may well be the most productive people on earth.
Consider that Muslims number approximately 2,000,000,000 or 33% of the world's population. They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
1988 - Najib Mahfooz
1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1994 - Yaser Arafat
1999 - Ahmed Zewai
Economics: (zero)
Physics: (zero)
1960 - Peter Brian Medawar
1999 - Ahmed Zewail
Jews number approximately 14,000,000, or about 0.02% of the world's population.
They have received the following Nobel Prizes:
Literature: 10
1910 - Paul Heyse
1927 - Henri Bergson
1958 - Boris Pa sternak
1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1966 - Nelly Sachs
1976 - Saul Bellow
1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer
1981 - Elias Canetti
1987 - Joseph Brodsky
1991 - Nadine Gordimer World
Peace: 8
1911 - Alfred Fried
1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser
1968 - Rene Cassin
1973 - Henry Kissinger
1978 - Menachem Begin
1986 - Elie Wiesel
1994 - Shimon Peres
1994 - Yitzhak Rabin
Physics: 53
1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer
1906 - Henri Moissan
1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson
1908 - Gabriel Lippmann
1910 - Otto Wallach
1915 - Richard Willstaetter
1918 - Fritz Haber
1921 - Albert Einstein
1922 - Niels Bohr
1925 - James Franck
1925 - Gustav Hertz
1943 - Gustav Stern
1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi
1952 - Felix Bloch
1954 - Max Born
1958 - Igor Tamm
1959 - Emilio Segre
1960 - Donald A. Glaser
1961 - Robert Hofstadter
1961 - Melvin Calvin
1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau
1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
1965 - Richard Phil lips Feynman
1965 - Julian Schwinger
1969 - Murray Gell-Mann
1971 - Dennis Gabor
1972 - William Howard Stein
1973 - Brian David Joseph son
1975 - Benjamin Mottleson
1976 - Burton Richter
1977 - Ilya Prigogine
1978 - Arno Allan Penzias
1978 - Peter L Kapitza
1979 - Stephen Weinberg
1979 - Sheldon Glashow
1979 - Herbert Charles Brown
1980 - Paul Berg
1980 - Walter Gilbert
1981 - Roald Hoffmann
1982 - Aaron Klug
1985 - Albert A. Hauptman
1985 - Jerome Karle
1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach
1988 - Robert Huber
1988 - Leon Lederman
1988 - Melvin Schwartz
1988 - Jack Steinberger
1989 - Sidney Altman
1990 - Jerome Friedman
1992 - Rudolph Marcus
1995 - Martin Perl
2000 - Alan J. Heeger
Economics: 13
1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson
1971 - Simon Kuznets
1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow
1975 - Leonid Kantorovich
1976 - Mil ton Friedman
1978 - Herb ert A. Simon
1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein
1985 - Franco Modigliani
1987 - Robert M. Solow
1990 - Harry Markowitz
1990 - Merton Miller
1992 - Gary Becker
1993 - Robert Fogel
Medicine: 43
1908 - Elie Metchnikoff
1908 - Paul Erlich
1914 - Robert Barany
1922 - Otto Meyerhof
1930 - Karl Landsteiner
1931 - Otto Warburg
1936 - Otto Loewi
1944 - Joseph Erlanger
1944 - Herb ert Spencer Gasser
1945 - Ernst Boris Chain
1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller
1950 - Tadeus Reichstein
1952 - Selman Abra ham Waksman
1953 - Hans Krebs
1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann
1958 - Joshua Lederberg
1959 - Arthur Kornberg
1964 - Konrad Bloch
1965 - Francois Jacob
1965 - Andre Lwoff
1967 - George Wald
1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg
1969 - Salvador Luria
1970 - Julius Axelrod
1970 - Sir Bernard Katz
1972 - Gerald Maurice Ed elman
1975 - Howard Martin Temin
1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg
1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow
1978 - Daniel Nathans
1980 - Baruj Benacerraf
1984 - Cesar Milstein
1985 - Michael Stuart Brown
1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein
1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]
1988 - Gertrude Elion
1989 - Harold Varmus
1991 - Erwin Neher
1991 - Bert Sakmann
1993 - Richard J. Roberts
1993 - Phillip Sharp
1994 - Alfred Gilman
1995 - Ed ward B. Lewis
Chemistry: 22
1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer
1906 - Henri Moissan
1910 - Otto Wallach
1915 - Richard Willstaetter
1918 - Fritz Haber
1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
1961 - Melvin Calvin
1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
1972 - William Howard Stein
1977 - Ilya Prigogine
1979 - Herbert Charles Brown
1980 - Paul Berg
1980 - Walter Gilbert
1981 - Roald Hoffmann
1982 - Aaron Klug
1985 - Herbert Hauptman
1985 - Jerome Karle
1989 - Sidney Altman
1992 - Rudolph Marcus
1998 - Walter Kohn
2004 - Avram Hershko, Aaron Ciechanover and Irwin Rose
2006 - Roger Kornberg
TOTAL: 149
The above statistics expressed in a more graphic fashion by the folks at TheReligionOfPeace.com
![]() With 43 Nobels - in medicine alone - we can truly understand.
Genesis 12:2-3 And I will make of thee [Abram] a great nation, [Israel] and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Jews aren't brain washing their children in military training camps,
![]() ![]() or teaching them how to blow themselves up among non-Jews
![]() ![]() Jews don't hijack planes, kill athletes at the Olympics, or blow themselves up in restaurants. Jews do not destroy churches or protest by killing people or burning cars. Jews don't traffic in slaves nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.
From the Hadith, "Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!"
No surprise then to find that the Islamic Mufti of Jerusalem worked hand in hand with Hitler in their shared goal of genocide of Jews...
![]() + 2 Islamic panzer divisions in Hitler's army.
![]() =
![]() To answer the inevitable cacophony of Jew hating Muslims, skinheads, nazis and some of those indoctrinated into replacement theology - regarding that great and terrible day of the Lord ....
Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
What kind of "plague" might manifest itself like that?
Joel 2:30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
Let's check Strong's:
and pillars
Old Testament Hebrew Definition:
08490 tiymarah {tee-maw-raw'} or timarah {tee-maw-raw'}
from the same as 08558; TWOT - 2523d; n f
AV - pillar 2; 2
1) pillar, column
1a) palm-like spreading at top
![]() To our Muslim friends are you ready to stand before our judge - the very Son of God you deny - in order to follow Mohammed?
John 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
Links to the videos are appearing as annotations on the screen. Please join us in the Islam-Christian Forum in the first link below this video for discussion
Regarding the history of Mecca the second link.
An introduction to the Gospel at the third link.
The drop-down menu for more videos and info.
For much more, please visit
Like this adorable Hamas kindergarden graduation ceremony...
August 22, the aftermath of Gush Katif: "The sworn enemies of these fine, productive and ethical communities will now receive a one sided gift from Prime Minister Sharon, a major chunk of Holy Land. This land, which these noble and brave settlers over the last 30 years have developed from barren uninhabited desert land to one of the most productive agricultural communities in Israel, is specifically defined in the Bible as part of the Land which has been allocated to Jews by Divine Order. Over the last year alone, the settlers of Gush Katif have endured some 6000 rocket attacks across the border from the Palestinians in Gaza." Jews in Gaza driven from their homes thanks to U.S. brokered give-away to the Palestinians.
August 23rd tropical depression #12 was born.
August 29th we watched those in New Orleans being driven from their homes and land by what became hurricane Katrina.
Great book on disasters being visited (that was written before the Katrina exploration above) on those that sell-out the Jews is "Eye to Eye" by William Koenig. It logs many instances where the such sell-outs share headlines with disasters. A couple include George Bush's Maine vacation home destruction and catastrophic flooding in Texas with another.
"In Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, we document what happens the same day or within 24 hours of Israel being pressured to divide her land. Here are a few examples found in these pages:
During the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, 29 record-setting catastrophes and/or major events occurred.
During President George W. Bush's first 40 months in office, 24 record-setting catastrophes and/or major events occurred.
From October 1, 2001, to January 9, 2004, eight periods of distruption occurred in the United Sttes following the 9-11 terror events when the President George W. Bush attempted to divide Israel's land.
Thirty-one major suicide bombings in Israel occurred at the same time President George W. Bush or one of his top-level staff and/or one of Israel's top officials were working with the U.S. on either a cease-fire agreement, a peace deal, publicly stating Israel's approval of a Palestinian state, or Israel was about to evacuate property."
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